In this video you will learn hoow to play the C Sharp Minor Chord on the piano.

The C# Minor Chord has two black notes with a white note in the middle: C sharp (C#), E, and G sharp (G#).

We’ll start by finding the two black notes first. The C# is the lower note (or, the one on the left) of the group-of-two black notes. The G# is the lower note (on the left) of the group-of-three black notes. The E is the middle note, and is the white note directly above, or to the right of the group-of-two black notes.

The most common fingering for the C# Minor Chord is:

Left pinky on C#, middle finger on E, and thumb on G#.

Your right thumb goes on C#, middle finger on E, and pinky on G#.

The most common writing of the C sharp minor chord on a chord chart is: C#min. However, in some chord charts or fake books, you may see it written as C#-, c#-, c#, C#min, c#min, C#mi, and c#mi.

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